Editor key bindings

These are the keybindings that can be used in any type of file.



Ctrl + A

Select all.

Ctrl + X

If no content is selected, cuts the current line. Else, performs the usual cut operation.

Ctrl + C

If no content is selected, selects and copies the current line. Else, performs the usual copy operation.

Ctrl + V

The usual paste action.

Ctrl + U

Undo the last action.

Ctrl + R

Redo the last action.

Ctrl + D

If content is selected, duplicates the selected content else duplicates the current line.

Ctrl + W

Selects the word at the left selection handle.

Ctrl + Left

Move to word start. If the cursor is already at the current word’s start, moves the cursor to previous word’s start, skipping whitespaces.

Ctrl + Right

Move to word end. If the cursor is already at the current word’s end, moves the cursor to next word’s end, skipping whitespaces.

Ctrl + Up

Scroll up by one row.

Ctrl + Down

Scroll down by one row.

Ctrl + Home

Moves the cursor to the beginning of content. If in selection mode, sets the selection from beginning of content to the selection anchor.

Ctrl + End

Moves the cursor to the end of content. If in selection mode, sets the selection from the selection anchor to the end of content.

Ctrl + Enter

Split line. If content is selected, deletes the selected content then splits the line.

Ctrl + Shift + Left

Same as Ctrl+Left, but starts or updates the selection.

Ctrl + Shift + Right

Same as Ctrl+Right, but starts or updates the selection.

Ctrl + Shift + Up

Moves the current line (or all selected lines) up by one line.

Ctrl + Shift + Down

Moves the current line (or all selected lines) down by one line.

Ctrl + Shift + Home

Same as Ctrl+Home, but starts or updates the selection.

Ctrl + Shift + End

Same as Ctrl+End, but starts or updates the selection.

Ctrl + Alt + Enter

Start a new line before current line.

Ctrl + Shift + J

Join current line and next line.

Shift + Enter

Start a new line.